The first shell I ever received was from my mother. She brought it home from some fancy restaurant in Bismarck. It was greasy with butter and was from her supper! In third grade the shell went to school with me for show and tell. Later that day, it turned up missing. A girl across the aisle from me opened her desk and there it was in her pencil tray. She told the teacher it was hers and I never did get it back...Could this have been the beginning of my lifelong search for shells? I guess we'll never know.
These are Epitonium scalare Linnaeus-AKA Precious Wentletrap. Wentletrap comes from the Dutch word for a winding staircase. These are two of my favorite shells. One I got as a surprise from Shannan! |
The other smaller and medium sized shells are stored in 4 of these divided craft boxes. The big brown bean in the lower right corner is called a Sea Bean and is an actual bean. |
This is a Janthina janthina Linnaeus AKA Purple Sea Snail that Shannan got for me off of Ebay! It is the prettiest color of purple. |
The white one is an Alabaster Murex that I bought at a shop in California and the spiny one is a Venus Comb Murex that my mother and father-in-law brought back with them from Florida. |
This is my favorite book for identifiaton. It doesn't have everything but is still very good. I've picked up a few others along the way, but this one is best for traveling with. |
Happy crafting everyone :)
Absolutely beautiful! Thank you for sharing these little miracles.