Friday, January 20, 2012

Baby It's Cold Outside

So, after my previous blog I thought "well, that wasn't very upbeat" so here's a happier entry for today.

When my coat makes crackling and crinkling sounds as I'm walking to the car, I KNOW it's cold outside.  It sounds as if I were wearing a paper bag. 
We were lucky all through early January, with temperatures in the 30's and 40's which is very unusual for this region in January.  Now, we are back to normal.  Well, not normal, but it feels more like January. All this week we have been in the below zero range.  Yesterday, it was 17 degrees below zero air temp and 35 degrees below zero windchill.  Mittens are a must.
These are the sweater mittens I received for Christmas from my mother-in-law.  They are made from recycled wool sweaters and are VERY warm.  I won't accidentally leave these in a restaurant booth!

I made these magnetic matching mittens for the kids about 5 years ago.  They were so much fun to design and color!  I've always wanted to do a few more so that the children have to look at the pattern not just the color to match them together. 

I think the blue ones are my favorite.

The kids made snowflakes this week.  Glitter and glue make us happy!!  Just cut Q-tips to the size you want, dip the cotton ends in glue, arrange them and sprinkle with glitter.  Snowflakes!
Kitten's Mittens Game
Her mittens fit inside her front pocket!
Here's a kitty who has 4 little mittens.
Honey is staying warm and snug in her little blue house on the deck.  On warmer days she kicks her blanket out of the box.  She comes into the house for a few minutes in the evening but refuses to come in during the day.  She's getting used to us and is letting us pet her.
 This weekend it will warm up to 30 degrees above zero.  It's going to feel like a heat wave!

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